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Library UX Design Toolkit

Library User Experience Design


SCAD is collaborating with the Institute of Museum & Library Services to create a development process for improving a library user experience. Through research, analysis and characterization of current library experiences, a team of 11 students developed a toolkit to allow better integration of new and traditional services in settings beyond the SCAD library system.

A team of graduate and undergraduate students, spanning multiple disciplines, cultures and diverse experiences, with a multi-part project brief, split into three groups. The first group set out to identify methods that could be used to research user experience at a library and also test those methods at SCAD’s Jen Library. A second group focused on the challenges that libraries across the nation are facing today. A third group focused on documenting this process. Preliminary insights were presented to SCAD Library Services at midterm and a series of co-creation sessions were held. From there, the teams developed preliminary concepts for improving the user experience at Jen Library based on the research results. The team’s last effort was the creation of a preliminary assessment tool for evaluating an individual library’s user experience.


How might we identify and evaluate the effectiveness of methods to provide libraries with the tools to reshape their user experience?


Research Process

Secondary Research

Secondary Research Findings

Secondary Research Findings

Primary Research

  • Interviews
  • Cultural Probes
  • Surveys
  • Observations

Preliminary Findings

Stakeholder Map

Stakeholder Map

Service Package

Service Package


Service Blueprint

Co-creation Session with Library Staff


Insight Report


Library User Experience Design Toolkit

Value Proposition


Kit copy.jpg

Final Offering

Inside Looking IN (Thesis)

Inside Looking IN (Thesis)

Love is in Savannah

Love is in Savannah